Tuesday, April 5, 2011


    The dinosaurs of the 1990s a strange breed. Although visions of dinosaurs as a very active, dynamic and animals have become the norm, there is still some drag Tails They behaved like savages stupid. Commented on the interpretations of the old so new discoveries change our point of view, and one way to keep track of this tension through comedy.
    This week I'll look back in a series of four comic dinosaur from this time of transition: Palio, the age of reptiles, dinosaurs and a tyrant: a celebration. Each series differ in detail, but all tell the stories of dinosaurs in the world of their own (no humans to be found). First up is Palio, a series of black and white by Jim Lawson said for the first time in 2001, but in fact fits here because it carries on the tradition of comics in earlier.
    Tyrannosaurs are the stars of the Palio. Many other species, and non-dinosaur dinosaur both run, fly and swim through the stories of Lawson, but the tyrants appear in all but one of the six tales in the size of the Palio, which has been collected. They do not always come on top. In one book, is crushed in the jaws of hungry Daspletosaurus Deinosuchus in alligatoroid giant, and a pair of "Aublysodon" survey along the coastal line in the book four face some competition from Plotosaurus mosasaur.
    Frustrating, even though any one of the tyrannosaurs Lawson and looks exactly like any of the others. The book tells the story of five of the Albertosaurus, aged wounded dinosaur stalked by young people, and the two dinosaurs are almost identical with each other. Labels the narrative is the only way to keep track of the World Health Organization World Health Organization, which is unfortunate because these dinosaurs were distinct in their anatomy. (Albertosaurus was a sort of more elegant, a sports car version of the dinosaur is more massive.)
    Dinosaur die-hards will also be able to pick out some errors. In "dromeosaurs" [sic] two years as a book out of the Deinonychus, and sometimes outside the toe, which Plotosaurus four stars in the book is very obese, fringed sea monster. After these small errors and interpretations do not affect the quality of the stories themselves. It is easy to get hung up on issues of anatomical accuracy, but the Palio is not intended to serve as a book. Series, Ltd. is a collection of stories about animals since a long time. Articles are short of time deep.
    Although the dinosaurs in the world Lawson is the scaly reptiles and take a look too, and their conduct bears the imprint of a new vision of dinosaurs that has been accumulated during the 20 century late. Tyrannosaurs and often hunt in pairs, and "dromeosaurs" scrap with each other for dominance of the pack, and the herd Stegoceras in the center of the book is concerned by the three young people during the long migration. In its own way, Palio reinforces the fact that dinosaurs were not just overgrown lizards or crocodiles, the unique animals that flourished in the world is familiar.
    But the real exists in the limited run comic story of dinosaurs that includes only as co-stars. The latest issue tells the story of a hungry predator dragonfly and evil, which tracks the smaller prey during the late Cretaceous period. Lawson uses the life cycle of the insect on its way to riff on the concept of "nature red in tooth and claw," Despite the dragonfly eventually end up in a sticky situation also ensures preservation. While the five cases focus dinosaurs are extremely enjoyable, and the angle of the dragonfly and the alternative life of the Mesozoic and appropriate means to the end of the book.
    It was not Palio series dinosaurs first of its kind, but it is one of the most enjoyable. Stories are no longer or shorter than they should, and it is refreshing to see stories focusing on the species and animals prey omission to take part in the world with the dinosaurs. Tyrannosaurs and birds of prey and the stars, but when you are restoring the entire ecosystem have become extinct, and there are many stories to tell.
    Another advantage is one of the Palio, which makes the comedy a must for any dinosaur fan to read. In 2003 and collected the first six issues in one book, and the artist Stephen Bissette-creator of the tyrant, he contributed a brief history of dinosaur comics as an introduction to the volume. (You can also copy of the article that the sequence seen in Palaeoblog). Dinosaurs and the comedy back a long way, in spite of all the life stories of individual animals is something relatively new.
    I would also note that two additional issues Palio followed six collected in the book reviewed here, and was rumored that the story is ninth on the way to publication.
    Source URL: https://wallpaperimporting.blogspot.com/2011/04/paleo.html
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